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2d - 3d


Visualize your mine or quarry in 2D and 3D

You have bird’s-eye view of your site by displaying the orthomosaic and the Digital Surface Model (DSM).


You can compare time-series surveys and monitor for change over time (overlay, slide or split view). 

You can also compare the current situation with your mining plan.


If you need to occasionally share a map with someone outside your organisation, then just generate a share link!

Then go for an immersive deep-dive into your site in the 3D mode.

This kind of imagery speaks to everyone and will be ideal for team collaboration, project discussion and communication with local communities.

  • Orthophoto

  • Digital Surface Model

  • 3D Point Cloud

  • 3D Mesh

  • 3D Model

  • Slope Map

  • Digital Surface Model Contours


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